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Remodeling the Architecture of Collagen-Containing ConnectiveTissue Fibers of Metastatic Prostate Cancer

et al. L. A. Naleskina

Cytology and Genetics


The morphological study was aimed at determining the role of fibrillar organization of the collagen-containing connective tissue of prostate cancer at the stage of neoplastic proliferation, including metastatic spreading into bone tissue.

The histological material of 55 patients with prostate cancer, Gleason six to nine malignancy score, without neoplastic proliferation and with metastases into bones, was used. The architectural specificities of collagen-containing connective tissue of neoplasms were determined using Van Gieson’s method.

It was found that the remodeling of collagen-containing connective tissue around the epithelial tumor structures with aggressive prostate cancer (Gleason score of eight to nine) resulted in the increase in the percentage of extended and flattened fibrils as compared to curved fibrils; the adjacent and surrounding stroma was notable for the enlarged total area of collagen-containing fibrils, manifestations of desmoplasia, compactization of the location, widening, flattening, and extending.

The data obtained demonstrate that the remodeling of collagen-containing connective tissue components of prostate cancer conditions unrestricted migration and invasion of tumor cells, including those expressing the proteins involved in bone tissue remodeling.


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