Clinical-Pathological Study on Eaxonal Injury.
A Clinical-Pathological Study on Eaxonal Injury state that traumatic brain injury is one of the leading causes of death worldwide especially particularly in young people.
Diffuse eaxonal injuries are the result of strong forces on the brain parenchyma which is a nerve tissue that leads to cerebral oedema and neuronal death.
The Clinical-Pathological Study on Eaxonal Injury, affirm that diffuse axonal injuries is characterized by coma and is defined by localized axonal damage in multiple regions of the brain.
Axonal degeneration has been identified as a progressive process becouse it begins with the disruption of axonal transport, leading to axonal swelling, ballooning, retraction bulges and secondary disconnection.
In this article it's reported a series of patients who have suffered fatal traumatic brain injury in order to verify outcomes in dynamics.
From the studied cases, a total of 50 cases were chosens: the first study group comprises 30 cases divided according to survival interval.
The control group comprises 20 cases with no history of traumatic brain injury.
Cardiovascular disease and history of stroke, cases suffering from loss of vital functions so after 15min autolysis and putrefaction were established as criteria for exclusion.
Immunoreactivity was significantly increased the diffuse axonal injuries group compared to the control group.
The most intense changes in immunostaining were recorded for spectrin II.
Comparative analysis of cerebral apoptosis can provide important information on the diagnosis of diffuse axonal lesions and their prognosis.