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Stromal Prostatic Tumor, a rare and challenging diagnosis. A case report.

Veronica Bengiò


Dra. Veronica Bengiò | MD, PhD, Pathologist |Hospital Córdoba, Argentina

Stromal prostatic tumor is a rare lesion thaspan a spectrum from monophasic to biphasic  (phyllodes type) tumors,   with controversial terminology and pathology, whose most accepted terminology is Prostatic stromal tumors with uncertain malignant potential (STUMP); they generally have good prognosis, although may have recur, invade locally or metastasize. Owing to the rarity of this tumor, there is not yet a consensus on appropriate management. 

We report a case of a 81 year old man with lower urinary tract symptoms, abnormal digital rectal examination, and high PSA level. Three nodular pieces of prostate were resected by open surgery (370 grams) When cut, they are solid, with an increased consistency, a whitish color and a trabeculated appearance. Microscopically, there is proliferation of spindle cells, arranged in irregular and random bundles, surrounded by abundant collagenous stroma, with slight focal atypia. A panel of ancillary techniques of IHC was carried out, which confirmed the diagnosis, and ruled out differential diagnoses. We highlight this pathology for its low frequency and the value of accurate histopathological diagnosis differentiating it from other pathologies.

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