How it works?
Understanding the Antidepressant Mechanisms of Acupuncture: Targeting Hippocampal Neuroinflammation,...

et al. Jianguo Li...

Molecular Neurobiology

Product: Giotto

Depression is recognized globally as one of the most intractable diseases, and its complexity and diversity make treatment extremely challenging. […...
A metabolic crosstalk between liposarcoma and muscle sustains tumor growth...

et al. Gabrielle Manteaux...

Nature Communications

Product: Citrate buffer

Dedifferentiated and Well-differentiated liposarcoma are characterized by a systematic amplification of the Murine Double Minute 2 (MDM2) oncogene. We de...
Entamoeba muris mitigates metabolic consequences of high-fat diet in mice...

et al. Maryline Roy...

Taylor & Francis Online

Product: Oil red o

Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a cluster of several human conditions including abdominal obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and hyperglycemia, all of which...
Temperature control during pars plana vitrectomy...

et al. Mario R. Romano...

Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

Product: Eosin

Abstract Purpose To evaluate the impact of temperature-controlled pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) on structural and functional outcomes in a rabbit […]...
Coagulation factor X promotes resistance to androgen-deprivation therapy in prostate cancer...

et al. Bianca Calì...

Cancer Cell

Product: Ottix

Although hypercoagulability is commonly associated with malignancies, whether coagulation factors directly affect tumor cell proliferation remains unclear....
Adipose tissue–derived mesenchymal stem cells promote the vascularization of pancreatic islets tra...

et al. Klára Zacharovová...

Transplant Immunology

Product: Hematoxylin

We have recently developed a model of pancreatic islet transplantation into a decellularized pancreatic tail in rats. As the pancreatic […]...
Neoadjuvant Hyperthermia Combined with Hybrid Nanoarchitectures Enhances Chemoradiotherapy Efficacy ...

et al. Patrizia Sarogni...

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

Product: H&E

Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas are characterized by a high incidence of recurrence, especially in patients with locally advanced […]...
Structural characteristics of the epidermis in marine and freshwater finless porpoises adapted to di...

et al. Haojie Zhou...

Current Zoology

Product: Giotto

The Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis, Pilleri & Gihr, 1972; YFP) is an exclusively freshwater cetacean species inh...
Effects of radial extracorporeal shock wave with different frequencies on acute skeletal muscle inju...

et al. Shuai Wang...

Scientific reports

Product: Donatello

To study the efficacy and possible mechanisms of radial extracorporeal shock wave (rESW) with different frequencies for the treatment of […]...
A critical role for HNF4α in polymicrobial sepsis-associated metabolic reprogramming and death...

et al. Céline Van Dender...

EMBO Molecular Medicine

Product: Antigenfix

In sepsis, limited food intake and increased energy expenditure induce a starvation response, which is compromised by a quick decline […]...

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