How it works?
Protein homeostasis regulation in breast tumor resilience...


British Journal of Pharmacology

Product: Hematoxylin - Eosin

Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress triggers an adaptive response in tumours which fosters cell survival and resilience to stress. Activation of […]...
Fasting effect on tumor microenvironment and on immunotherapy efficacy...


Cell Reports

Product: Hematoxylin - Eosin

Immunotherapy is improving the prognosis and survival of cancer patients, but despite encouraging outcomes in different cancers, the majority of […]...
Pathway modulation in cervical spinal cord injury...



Product: Antigenfix

Abstract High spinal cord injuries (SCI) induce the deafferentation of phrenic motoneurons, leading to permanent diaphragm paralysis. This involves seconda...
Neonatally imprinted B cells confer unique antibody responses in adults...



Product: Antigenfix

The adult immune system consists of cells that emerged at various times during ontogeny. We aimed to define the relationship […]...
Oxidative stress expression in glioblastoma cells...



Product: NBF 10%

Abstract Cynaropicrin has shown a wide range of pharmacological properties, such as antitumor action. Here, we showed the inhibitory effect […]...
Biomarker of functional rehabilitation in traumatic brain injuries...



Product: Antigenfix

Abstract Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the main cause of disabilities over the industrialized countries. Cognitive decline appears in the […]...
Role for Interferon Epsilon in pregnancies...



Product: Diaprep Gyn Fixative

Abstract Interferon epsilon (IFNe) is a recently described cytokine that is constitutively expressed in the female reproductive tract. However, the [&helli...
Treatment efficacy of lung metastasis in breast cancer...


Radiology and Oncology

Product: Ottix

Radiotherapy is an essential treatment modality for multiple malignancies. Currently, over 60% of all cancer patients receive radiotherapy, either alone [&...
Anti-hepatocellular carcinoma treatment in liver models...


Molecular Therapy: Nucleic Acid

Product: Micromount

Palbociclib is in early-stage clinical testing in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Here, we investigated whether the anti-tumor activity of palboci...
Protective function of natural autoantibodies in rhabdomyosarcoma...



Product: Hematoxylin

Immunoreactivity against fibroblast growth factor 8 in alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma patients and its involvement in tumor aggressiveness...

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