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A 90-day preclinical toxicological evaluation in rats of a highly purified and concentrated mulberry...

et al. Timothy S. Murbach...

Journal of Applied Toxicology

Product: H&E - Diawax

Mulberry (genus Morus) leaves have long been used as a human food, especially in Asia, and animal feed. More recently, mulberry […]...
Protective role for kidney TREM2high macrophages in obesity- and diabetes-induced kidney injury...

et al. Ayshwarya Subramanian...

Cell Reports

Product: Antigenfix

Diabetic kidney disease (DKD), the most common cause of kidney failure, is a frequent complication of diabetes and obesity, and […]...
p16 Expression in Multinucleated Stromal Cells of Fibroepithelial Polyps of the Anus (FEPA): A Compr...

et al. Milena Gulinac...

Gastroenterology Insights

Product: Donatello

Fibroepithelial polyps of the anus (FEPA) are a common benign polypoid proliferation of the stroma covered by squamous epithelium. They […]...
Electroacupuncture enhances cerebral blood perfusion by inhibiting HIF-1α in rat subarachnoid hemor...

et al. Yingwen Wang...

Brain Research

Product: Donatello

Objective Cerebral blood perfusion (CBP) reduction is a prevalent complication following subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) in clinical practice, ofte...
17-β-estradiol potentiates the neurotrophic and neuroprotective effects mediated by the dopamine D3...

et al. Giulia Sbrini...

European Journal of Pharmacology

Product: Antigenfix

Dopaminergic neurons express a heteromer composed of the dopamine D3 receptor and the α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, the D3R-nAChR heteromer, [&h...
SARS-CoV-2 infection induces adaptive NK cell responses by spike protein-mediated induction of HLA-E...

et al. Mohammad Zahidul Hasana ...

Emerging Microbes & Infections

Product: Giotto

HLA-E expression plays a central role for modulation of NK cell function by interaction with inhibitory NKG2A and stimulatory NKG2C […]...
Pneumocystis murina lesions in lungs of experimentally infected Cd40l–/– mice...

et al. Andrea Cappelleri...

Veterinary Pathology

Product: Micromount

The Cd40l–/– mouse is a well-established model of X-linked hyper-immunoglobulin M (IgM) syndrome, an immunodeficiency disorder of human beings charac...
Pneumocystis murina lesions in lungs of experimentally infected Cd40l–/– mice...

et al. Andrea Cappelleri...

Sage Journals

Product: Micromount

The Cd40l–/– mouse is a well-established model of X-linked hyper-immunoglobulin M (IgM) syndrome, an immunodeficiency disorder of human beings charac...
Combined Low Densities of FoxP3+ and CD3+ Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes Identify Stage II Colorec...

et al. Tommaso Cavalleri...

Cancer Immunology Research

Product: Hematoxylin

The densities of CD3+ and CD8+ tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs), combined with tumor-node-metastasis (TNM) staging, have prognostic value for patien...
Islet cell stress induced by insulin-degrading enzyme deficiency promotes regeneration and protectio...

et al. Shuaishuai Zhu...


Product: Antigenfix

Tuning of protein homeostasis through mobilization of the unfolded protein response (UPR) is key to the capacity of pancreatic beta […]...

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