How it works?
Conjunctival epithelium outgrowth with tissue fragment...


British Journal of Ophtalmology

Product: Cryoblock

Background/Aims To set up the in vitro conditions for renewal of the conjunctival epithelium using healthy fragments of conjunctival tissue glued [&he...
Safecapsule: Innovation in anatomic pathology...

Verri - Crescinzi - Lupo - Virgili...

Italian Journal of Prevention, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Medicine

Product: SafeCapsule

Formaldehyde, as main fixative of choice in medical services, was reclassified as carcinogenic and mutagenic by European Directive N. 895/2014. […]...
Galileo Series 2 – comparison between manual and semiautomatic microtomes...


Product: Galileo series 2

Ainhoa Arranz Yélamos – Belén Martín Urdiales – Purificación Dominguez – Fernando Casco Claro – Carmelo Lupo – Clara Peco...
SafeCapsule: Innovation in Anatomic Pathology...


Product: SafeCapsule

Diapath presents the Scientific Pubblication developed in association with Università Campus Biomedico of Rome about SafeCapsule, the line of products [&h...
Validation in histology tissue processing. Design, innovation to manage the risk in Histopathology w...

Lupo - Pellegrino - Serenelli - Locatelli - Caboni ...

Product: Donatello series 2

Donatello Series 2, Automatic Tissue Processor...
Endogenously-Produced Hyaluronan and Its Potential to Regulate the Development of Peritoneal Adhesio...

Anna Kocurkova , Kristina Nesporova and others...


Product: HE

Formation of peritoneal adhesions (PA) is one of the major complications following intra-abdominal surgery. It is primarily caused by activation of the mes...
The Effect of Insect Repellent Exposure on Leukocyte Profile and Histopathologic Findings in Lungs...

Ary Andini, Marwatul Hasanah and others...

Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry

Product: HE, alcohol, xylene, wax

Organophosphate compounds in insect repellent have a role in contributing to mosquito mortality but have toxic effects for humans when exposed for a long t...
Benign ovarian teratoma in the dog with predominantly nervous tissue: A case report...

Peter Makovicky, Alexander Vladimirovic and others...

Veterinární medicína

Product: Mayer

Ovarian teratomas are rare neoplasms in female dogs, and they are characterised by the proliferation of tissues of embryonic origin. Most teratomas are ben...
Lung histopathologic clusters in severe COVID-19: a link between clinical picture and tissue damage...

Maddalena Alessandra Wu, Gianluca Lopez and others...

Critical care

Product: Donatello

Autoptic pulmonary findings have been described in severe COVID-19 patients, but evidence regarding the correlation between clinical picture and lung histo...
Intrauterine growth restriction affects bone mineral density of the mandible and the condyle in grow...

Aliki Rontogianni, Ismene A. Dontas and others...

Journal of Musculoskeletal Neuronal Interactions

Product: Microdec

Physical growth and metabolism of an individual is regulated by the interplay between environmental and genetic factors. Epidemiological and experimental s...

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