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In Vitro Comparison of Lymphangiogenic Potential of Hypoxia Preconditioned Serum (HPS) and Platelet-...
Abstract Strategies for therapeutic lymphangiogenesis are gradually directed toward the use of growth factor preparations. In particular, blood-derived gro...
IFNγ signaling in cytotoxic T cells restricts anti-tumor responses by inhibiting the maintenance an...
Abstract IFNγ is an immune mediator with concomitant pro- and anti-tumor functions. Here, we provide evidence that IFNγ directly acts […]...
Guidelines for visualization and analysis of DC in tissues using multiparameter fluorescence microsc...
Abstract This article is part of the Dendritic Cell Guidelines article series, which provides a collection of state-of-the-art protocols for […]...
Extracellular traps formation following cervical spinal cord injury...
Abstract Spinal cord injuries involve a primary injury that can lead to permanent loss of function and a secondary injury […]...
Heptafluoroisobutyronitrile (C4F7N), a gas used for insulating and arc quenching in electrical switc...
Abstract Fluoronitrile gas (C4F7N, CAS number 42532-60-5) is one of the most promising candidates as insulating and/or breaking medium in […]...
Aging Is Associated With Lower Neuroactive Steroids and Worsened Outcomes Following Cerebral Ischemi...
Abstract Ischemic stroke is a leading cause of disability and death, and aging is the main nonmodifiable risk factor. Following […]...
The coenzyme A precursor pantethine restrains sarcoma growth through promotion of type 1 immunity...
Abstract The tumor microenvironment is a dynamic network of stromal, cancer and immune cells that interact and compete for resources. […]...
Regulation of neuroinflammation in human astrocytes...


Cell Reports

Product: Antigenfix

Apolipoprotein E4 (APOEε4) is the major allelic risk factor for late-onset sporadic Alzheimer’s disease (sAD). Inflammation is increasingly considered a...
Pathway modulation in cervical spinal cord injury...



Product: Antigenfix

Abstract High spinal cord injuries (SCI) induce the deafferentation of phrenic motoneurons, leading to permanent diaphragm paralysis. This involves seconda...
Neonatally imprinted B cells confer unique antibody responses in adults...



Product: Antigenfix

The adult immune system consists of cells that emerged at various times during ontogeny. We aimed to define the relationship […]...

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