Andrea Zancla, Serena De Santis and others...
"Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy"
Product: Reagents
Louise van der Weerd, Anton Lefering, Andrew Webb and others...
Scientific reports
Product: Formalina 10%
Christoph Steinbach, Petr Císař, Pavel Šauer, Jana Klicnarová, Heike Schmidt Posthaus, Oksana Golovko, Hana Kocour Kroupová...
Science of the Total Environment
Product: NBF 10%, Mayer's Hematoxylin, Eosin, Ethanol 99,9
Sofía Fernández-de Retana, Alex Montañola, Paula Marazuela, Maialen De La Cuesta, Aina Batlle, Marc Fatar, Saskia Grudzenski, Joan Montaner, Mar Hernán...
Neurobiology of aging
Product: NBF
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