How it works?
Intravenous treatment with human recombinant ApoA-I Milanreduces beta amyloid cerebral deposition in...

Sofía Fernández-de Retana, Alex Montañola, Paula Marazuela, Maialen De La Cuesta, Aina Batlle, Marc Fatar, Saskia Grudzenski, Joan Montaner, Mar Hernán...

Neurobiology of aging

Product: NBF

Beyond the crucial role of apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA-I) on peripheral cholesterol metabolism, this apolipoprotein has also been implicated in beta amylo...
SafeCapsule: Innovazione in Anatomia Patologica...

Martina Verri, Anna Crescenzi, Carmelo Lupo, Roberto Virgili...

Italian Journal of Prevention Diagnostic and Therapeutic medicine

Product: SafeCapsule

Formaldehyde, as main fixative of choice in medical services, was reclassified as cancerous and mutagen by European Directive N. 895/2014....
The proangiogenic potential of a calcium composite...

Hugo Oliveira, Sylvain Catros, Oscar Castano, Sylvie Rey, Robin Siadous, Douglas Clift, Joan Marti-Munoz, Marc Batista, Reine Bareille, Josep Planell, Elis...

Acta Biomaterialia

Product: Microdec

Insufficient angiogenesis remains a major hurdle in current bone tissue engineering strategies. An extensive body of work has focused on the use of angioge...
Multidrug resistance via simultaneous of cytostatic drug...

Ladislav Sivak, Vladimir Subr, Jakub Tomala, Blanka Rihova, Jiri Strohalm, Tomas Etrych, Marek Kovara...


Product: HE

Multidrug resistance (MDR) is a common cause of failure in chemotherapy for malignant diseases. MDR is either acquired as a result of previous repeated exp...
Mouse Cutaneous Melanoma Induced by Mutant BRaf Arises from Expansion and Dedifferentiation of Matur...

Corinna Köhler, David Nittner, Florian Rambow, Enrico Radaelli, Fabio Stanchi, Niels Vandamme, Arianna Baggiolini, Lukas Sommer, Geert Berx, Joost J. van ...

Cell Stem Cell

Product: HE - Micromount

To identify the cells at the origin of melanoma, we combined single-cell lineage-tracing and transcriptomics approaches with time-lapse imaging....
Lymphocytic leukemia with a non-invasive approach...

Francesca Valdora, Giovanna Cutrona and others....

Clinical Immunology

Product: Perls

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most prevalent leukemia among adults. Despite its indolent nature, CLL remains an incurable disease....
NKD1 mark intestinal and liver tumors...

Jitka Stancikova, Michaela Krausova, Michal Kolar, Bohumil Fafilek, Jiri Svec, Radislav Sedlacek, Magdalena Neroldova, Jan Dobes, Monika Horazna, Lucie Jan...

Cellular Signalling

Product: PAS - Nuclear Fast Red

The activity of the Wnt pathway undergoes complex regulation to ensure proper functioning of this principal signaling mechanism during development of adult...
Formalin alternatives in diagnostic pathology...

L Benerini Gatta, M Cadei, P Balzarini, S Castriciano, R Paroni, A Verzeletti, V Cortellini, F De Ferrari, P Grigolato...

European Journal of Histochemistry

Product: Greenfix

Fixation is a critical step in the preparation of tissues for histopathology. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of different fixat...
Osteoclasts mineral dissolution function...

Heiani Touaitahuata, Gaelle Cres, Sylvain de Rossi, Virginie Vives, Anne Blangy...

Developmental Biology

Product: Safranine

Femurs from E17.5, and P1 to P35 mice were fixed for 2 days in PBS containing 4% paraformaldehyde (Electron Microscopy Sciences) […]....

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