How it works?
Measles virus studies brought a disease prevention...

Olivier Reynard...

Research square

Product: Hematoxylin

Measles virus is a member of the Paramyxoviridae family of single-stranded negative sense RNA viruses. It is one of the […]...
Tissue tropism and infection of a symbiotic system...

François Renoz...

Microbiology Spectrum

Product: Diasolv - Diamount

Tissue tropism and infection are the main topic of this reasearch where they are observated in a symbiotic system. Dependence […]...
Murine brain histological analysis...

Claudio Maderna...

CellPress - STAR Protocols

Product: Tissue Dispomolds

Murine brain is a different way to define what we normally call “mouse brain”; which can be affected from Cavernomas. […]...
Ageritin: an inhibitor of NULU and ZAR growth...

Benito Soto-Blanco...


Product: NBF 10%

Ageritin is the prototype of the ribotoxin-like protein family. It is an adjuvant treatment to control the growth of NULU […]...
Bull’s eyes retina microscopic analysis...

Carla Ibáñez Sanchis...

Nereis - Universidad Catolica de Valencia

Product: Inclusore - Greenfix - Ottix

Bull’s eyes are the main topic of this research but, in particular, the study of bull-on-fire and eyeball in these […]...
Pertussis vaccine for mice against airway inflammation...

Thomas Belcher...

Nature - Vaccines

Product: Antigenfix

Pertussis vaccine is a live attenuated vaccines often have beneficial non-specific effects, protecting against heterologous infectious and non-infectious d...
Green Tea effects on Rabbit’s Weight and Semen...

Salvador Ruiz López...

Veterinary Sciences

Product: Hematoxylin - Eosin - Toluidine Blue -Sirius Red kit

The goal of this study was to evaluate the action of the green tea plant on male rabbit reproduction and […]...
Motor skill learning and activity of the dorsal striatum...

Nagham Badreddine...

Cell reports

Product: Antigenfix

Motor skill learning is a process of acquiring motor skills movements which comes about through varying types of practice, experience, […]...
Mcl-1 proteins and their relation with senolytic therapy...

Martina Troiani...

Nature Communications

Product: Ottix - Hematoxylin - Eosin - Mounting Media - Citrate Buffer

Mcl-1 (Induced myeloid leukemia cell differentiation protein) is a protein that is encoded by the  MCL1  gene in humans. Cells sub...
Large B-Cell Lymphoma diffusions in dogs...

Mark A. Brown...

Veterinary Sciences

Product: Hematoxylin

Large B-cell lymphoma diffusion is the most common hematological malignancy in humans and dogs. Several studies disclosed some similarities between [&helli...

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