Katia Chieregato, Martina Bernardi and others...
Product: Oil Red O
Zeinab Vahidinia, Elham Mahdavi and others...
Pathology Research and Practice
Product: Galileo
Emmanouil Chatzipetros, Spyros Damaskos and others...
International Journal of Implant Dentistry
Product: microdec
A Khendek, A Chakraborty, J Roche and others...
Product: Ottix + Diawax
A V Sirotkin, A Kadasi, A Stochmalova, A Balazi, M Földesiová, P Makovicky, P Chrenek, A H Harrath...
Product: HE
Anita Mihaylova, Nina Doncheva, Hristina Zlatanova and others...
Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences
Product: Congo Red
Sándor Hornok, Elisabeth Meyer-Kayser, Jenő Kontschán and others...
Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases
Product: Diamount
Barbora Pokrývková, Jana Šmahelová, Natálie Dalewská and others...
MDPI diagnostics
Product: Formalin 10%
A.Toffan, L.Biasini, T.Pretto and others...
Product: Hemotoxylin (Mayer)
Francesco Greco, Laura Quercioli, Angela Pucci, Silvia Rocchiccioli, Mauro Ferrari, Fabio A Recchia, Liam A McDonnell ...
MDPI metabolites
Product: Masson
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