How it works?
Minimizing risk of iatrogenic nerve injury during peroneus longus tendon autograft harvest: a cadave...
Abstract Purpose: To evaluate the distances using ultrasound between the superficial peroneal nerve (SPN) and sural nerve along the peroneus […]...
Ziwuliuzhu Acupuncture Modulates Glu/GABA‐Gln Metabolic Loop Abnormalities in Insomniac Rats...
Abstract Ziwuliuzhu acupuncture is widely considered an effective treatment for insomnia in clinics, but little is known about its possible […]...
Construction of transcriptome atlas of white yak hair follicle during anagen and catagen using singl...
Abstract Background: As the direct organ of villus, hair follicles have obvious seasonal cycles. The hair follicle cycle is orchestrated […]...
Soft gallstone-crushing robots...
Abstract The current treatment for symptomatic gallstones is primarily surgical, where one of the most general surgeries, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, is ...
Tissue-like cultured fish fillets through a synthetic food pipeline...
Abstract Tissue-like cultured meats of some livestock have successfully been established by different approaches. However, production of a structure simila...
Phenotyping peanut cultivars with contrasting responses to pod rot pathogens...
Abstract In recent years, soil-borne diseases including pod rot have become increasingly rampant with climate change, causing serious yield and […]...
Mesenchymal stem cell and ischemic environment...

N. Scott Litofsky and Andrew Clarkson...

Brain Science

Product: Galileo

Mesenchymal stem cell (MSCs) have great application prospects in the treatment of ischemic injury. However, their long-time cultivation before transplantat...
Regenerative medicine study on ECM properties...

Jiayu Chen...


Product: Decalcifier

Regenerative medicine is the branch of medicine that develops methods to regrow, repair or replace damaged or diseased cells, organs or […]...
Measles virus studies brought a disease prevention...

Olivier Reynard...

Research square

Product: Hematoxylin

Measles virus is a member of the Paramyxoviridae family of single-stranded negative sense RNA viruses. It is one of the […]...
Effects of chronic prometryn exposure on antioxidative status, intestinal morphology, and microbiota...

Fanshuang Zeng, Lin Wu and others...

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology part C

Product: Donatello - Giotto

Prometryn is an occasional triazine herbicide used in aquaculture to kill algae. However, deposition of prometryn at the bottom of the pond poses a po...

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