How it works?
Pathway modulation in cervical spinal cord injury...



Product: Antigenfix

Abstract High spinal cord injuries (SCI) induce the deafferentation of phrenic motoneurons, leading to permanent diaphragm paralysis. This involves seconda...
Biomarker of functional rehabilitation in traumatic brain injuries...



Product: Antigenfix

Abstract Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the main cause of disabilities over the industrialized countries. Cognitive decline appears in the […]...
Chemotherapies impact on spermatogenesis in mice...

Marion Delessard...

Nature - Scientific Report

Product: Citrate Buffer

Chemotherapies are important for your future health, but they might harm your reproductive organs and glands that control fertility. Th...
Granule cell role in sleep hypersomnia...

Risa Yamazaki...

Sleep Research Society

Product: Ottix

Granule cell are the most numerous cell type in the cerebellum and indeed, in the brain. Determine whether in the […]...
Mesenchymal Stem Cells and PRP Therapy...

Marine Benois...

Obesity Surgery

Product: Hematoxylin

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent stem cells found in bone marrow that are important for making and repairing skeletal tissues, […]...
Lymph node stromal precursors origin and diversity...

Elisa Lenti...


Product: Antigenfix

Lymph node (LN) is like small bean structure that is part of the body’s immune system. They work like a […]...
PDA (pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma) targets...

Victoire Gouirand...

The EMBO Journal

Product: Citrate Buffer

PDA (Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma) tumor cells are privated of oxygen, many nutrients and c they must adapt the metabolism to […]...
Laser-assisted bioprinting for bone regeneration...

Nicolas Touya...


Product: Decalcifier

Laser-assisted bioprinting can be a new way to improve the regenerative medicine, in particular the bone regeneration. Grafts aside, current […]...
Measles virus studies brought a disease prevention...

Olivier Reynard...

Research square

Product: Hematoxylin

Measles virus is a member of the Paramyxoviridae family of single-stranded negative sense RNA viruses. It is one of the […]...
Tissue tropism and infection of a symbiotic system...

François Renoz...

Microbiology Spectrum

Product: Diasolv - Diamount

Tissue tropism and infection are the main topic of this reasearch where they are observated in a symbiotic system. Dependence […]...

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