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Integrating bioinformatics and ferroptosis to reveal the protective mechanism of Astragaloside IV on...

et al. Hui Yuan...

Scientific reports

Product: Donatello - Giotto

Ferroptosis is an important pathological mechanism of chronic heart failure (CHF). This study aimed to investigate the protective mechanism of […]...
Understanding the Antidepressant Mechanisms of Acupuncture: Targeting Hippocampal Neuroinflammation,...

et al. Jianguo Li...

Molecular Neurobiology

Product: Giotto

Depression is recognized globally as one of the most intractable diseases, and its complexity and diversity make treatment extremely challenging. […...
Structural characteristics of the epidermis in marine and freshwater finless porpoises adapted to di...

et al. Haojie Zhou...

Current Zoology

Product: Giotto

The Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis, Pilleri & Gihr, 1972; YFP) is an exclusively freshwater cetacean species inh...
Thyroid nodulectomy: A promising approach to the management of solitary thyroid nodules...

et al. Abdulwahid M. Salih...

Biomedical Reports

Product: Donatello - Giotto

The choice between nodulectomy and lobectomy for managing thyroid nodules is a subject of debate in the field of thyroid […]...
Nipple adenoma, a rare benign tumor in accessory breasts: A case report...

et al. Rawa M. Ali...

World Academy of Sciences Journal

Product: Donatello - Giotto

Nipple adenoma, an uncommon benign tumor, typically appears between the fourth and fifth decades of life, occasionally manifesting in accessory […]...
SARS-CoV-2 infection induces adaptive NK cell responses by spike protein-mediated induction of HLA-E...

et al. Mohammad Zahidul Hasana ...

Emerging Microbes & Infections

Product: Giotto

HLA-E expression plays a central role for modulation of NK cell function by interaction with inhibitory NKG2A and stimulatory NKG2C […]...
SARS-CoV-2 modulates NK cell responses via induction of HLA-E and triggers expansion of adaptive NK ...

et al. Mohammad Zahidul Hasan...

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Product: Giotto

HLA-E expression plays a central role for modulation of NK cell function by interaction with inhibitory NKG2A and stimulatory NKG2C […]...
Transcriptome analysis reveals tissue-specific responses of Mytilus unguiculatus to Vibrio algino...

et al. Honfei Li...

Fish & Shellfish Immunoloy

Product: Giotto - Donatello

Mytilus unguiculatus is an important economic bivalve species with wide consumption and aquaculture value. Disease is one of the primary limiting [&hellip...
Toxicity study of compound granules of Hedyotis diffusa: Acute toxicity and long-term toxicity...

et al. Da-Hong Chen...

Journal of Ethnopharmacology

Product: Giotto - Donatello

Ethnopharmacological relevance The clinical efficacy of the hospital preparation compound granules of Hedyotis diffusa (CGHD), which is comp...
Molecular Engineering of Activatable NIR-IIHemicyanine Reporters for Early Diagnosisand Prognostic A...

et al. Yi Liu...


Product: Giotto - Donatello

Molecular imaging in the second near-infrared window (NIR-II) provides high-fidelity visualization of biopathological events in deep tissue. However, most ...

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