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Synchronous ipsilateral papillary renal cell carcinoma and urothelial carcinoma: A case report...

Et Al. Muhamed Hussen Babarasul...

Oncology Letters

Product: Donetto - Giotto

Concurrence of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and urothelial carcinoma (UC) in the same kidney is a rare phenomenon. It is […]...
Ziwuliuzhu Acupuncture Modulates Glu/GABA‐Gln Metabolic Loop Abnormalities in Insomniac Rats...
Abstract Ziwuliuzhu acupuncture is widely considered an effective treatment for insomnia in clinics, but little is known about its possible […]...
Anatomical basis of retrograde thoracic veins flow and its implications in complex thoracic wall rec...
Abstract Purpose: Internal thoracic veins are increasingly used as recipient’s vessels in chest wall reconstructive surgery due to their predictable [&he...
The deep dental decay with Zn-BIOR Histological study...

Untila ...

Medicina stomatologică

Product: Donatello - Giotto

The deep dental decay represents the last stage of carious disease, characterized by extensive affectation of hard dental tissues, capturing […]...
Effects of chronic prometryn exposure on antioxidative status, intestinal morphology, and microbiota...

Fanshuang Zeng, Lin Wu and others...

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology part C

Product: Donatello - Giotto

Prometryn is an occasional triazine herbicide used in aquaculture to kill algae. However, deposition of prometryn at the bottom of the pond poses a po...

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