How it works?
Tuberculosis in farm and wild animals: Macro, Histo and Differential Diagnosis....

Dr. Sebastian Mignacca...

Dr. Sebastian Mignacca | Veterinary Research Officer […]...
Stromal Prostatic Tumor, a rare and challenging diagnosis. A case report....

Veronica Bengiò...

Dra. Veronica Bengiò | MD, PhD, Pathologist […]...
Glandular Cytology of The Cervix: Diagnosis of CGIN/AIS and diagnostic pitfalls...

Dr. Tanya Levine...

Dr. Tanya Levine | MA (Oxon), MBBS, […]...
Immunohistochemical approach to the differential diagnosis of small blue round cell tumors in childr...

Dr. Armen Mkhitaryan...

Dr. Armen Mkhitaryan | MD, PhD. Pathologist […]...
Research and Innovation in Dermatopathology....

Dr. Jeyrroy Anjalo Gabriel...

Dr. Jeyrroy GabrielSenior Specialist Biomedical Scientist | […]...
Carrier-based Multi Tissue Blocks. A novel way of Multi-Tissue Blocks for IHC....

Dr. Achim A. Jungbluth ...

Dr. Achim A. JungbluthDirector of Immunohistochemistry Dept. […]...
The impact of technological innovation in the methodological process of the Anatomic Pathology labo...

Moris Cadei ...

Dr. Moris Cadei | Laboratory Technician Pathology […]...
Digital Pathology and Telemedicine: Project by the Province of Bozen...

Dr. Guido Mazzoleni
MD Histopathology Dept. Azienda Ospedaliera di Bolzano ...

The “digital pathology” has been used successfully […]...
Lean management & Healthcare: practical applications in Anatomic Pathology...

Roberto Virgili ...

Talking about “lean management” in Healthcare in […]...
Safety in histopathology: patient, staff and environment...

Antonella Savio...

Besides patients safety, around which all histopathology […]...

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