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Zebrafish: a Model to Study Vascular Elastic Fibers...


International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Product: Orcein kit

Zebrafish is a freshwater fish belonging to the minnow family (called Cyprinidae) of the order  Cypriniformes. Many extensibl...
rTMS Protocol Effects on Respiratory Neuroplasticity...



Product: Antigenfix

rTMS is a noninvasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain. High spinal cord injuries […]...
Neurotensin receptor 2 is induced in astrocytes...



Product: Antigenfix

Neurotensin (NT) acts as a primary neurotransmitter and neuromodulator in the CNS and has been involved in a number of […]...
Asthmatic bronchial smooth muscle increases rhinovirus replication within the bronchial epithelium...

Esteves ...

Cell Reports

Product: Paraformaldeide

Rhinovirus (RV) infection of the bronchial epithelium is implicated in the vast majority of severe asthma exacerbations. Interestingly, the susceptibility ...
Microvalve bioprinting as a tool against tumor...



Product: Antigenfix

Microvalve Bioprinting technologies are powerful new bioengineering tools that can spatially reproduce multiple microenvironmental cues in a highly control...
Oxytocin impact on Neurite Outgrowth...

Alexandra Reichova, Fabienne Schaller, Stanislava Bukatova, Zuzana Bacova, Françoise Muscatelli, Jan Bakos...


Product: Antigenfix

Oxytocin contributes to the regulation of cytoskeletal and synaptic proteins and could therefore affect the mechanisms of neurodevelopmental disorders, inc...
Retrotrapezoid nucleus: a hub for chemoregulation...

Jonathan Levy, François Droz-Bartholet, Melyna Achour, Patricia Facchinetti, Bernard Parratte, François Giuliano...

Journal of Comparative Neurology

Product: Antigenfix

The retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) is a hub for respiratory chemoregulation in the mammal brainstem that integrates chemosensory information from peripheral ...
PTX Instructs the Development of Lung-Resident Memory T Cells in Bordetella pertussis Infected Mic...

Julie Tomas, Yoon Koo and others...


Product: Antigenfix

Whooping cough is a severe, highly contagious disease of the human respiratory tract, caused by Bordetellapertussis. The pathogenicity requires several vir...
Natural killer cells and dendritic epidermal γδ T cells orchestrate type 1 conventional DC spatio...

Sonia Ghilas, Marc Ambrosini and others...


Product: Antigenfix

Successful immune responses rely on a regulated delivery of the right signals to the right cells at the right time. Here we show that natural killer (NK) a...
Rearing conditions and life history influence the progress of gametogenesis and reproduction perform...

A Khendek, A Chakraborty, J Roche and others...


Product: Ottix + Diawax

Pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) is a highly valuable fish in Europe. However, development of aquaculture of pikeperch is highly limited due to seasonality of...

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