How it works?
Biomarker of functional rehabilitation in traumatic brain injuries...



Product: Antigenfix

Abstract Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the main cause of disabilities over the industrialized countries. Cognitive decline appears in the […]...
Role for Interferon Epsilon in pregnancies...



Product: Diaprep Gyn Fixative

Abstract Interferon epsilon (IFNe) is a recently described cytokine that is constitutively expressed in the female reproductive tract. However, the [&helli...
Treatment efficacy of lung metastasis in breast cancer...


Radiology and Oncology

Product: Ottix

Radiotherapy is an essential treatment modality for multiple malignancies. Currently, over 60% of all cancer patients receive radiotherapy, either alone [&...
Anti-hepatocellular carcinoma treatment in liver models...


Molecular Therapy: Nucleic Acid

Product: Micromount

Palbociclib is in early-stage clinical testing in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Here, we investigated whether the anti-tumor activity of palboci...
Protective function of natural autoantibodies in rhabdomyosarcoma...



Product: Hematoxylin

Immunoreactivity against fibroblast growth factor 8 in alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma patients and its involvement in tumor aggressiveness...
Ubiquitin role in glioblastoma growth...

Delle Donne ...

Coomunications Biology

Product: Hematoxylin - Eosin

Abstract Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most frequent and aggressive form of primary brain tumor in the adult population; its […]...
Fibroblasts and lymph node homeostasis...


Nature Immunology

Product: Antigenfix

Abstract Emergent physical properties of tissues are not readily understood by reductionist studies of their constituent cells. Here, we show […]...
The Ischemic area imaging in the mouse brain...

Hubert Doleżyczek...

Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis

Product: Hematoxylin

The Ischemic area (IA) is a part of your body where isn’t getting enough blood and oxygen. It can happen […]...
Chemotherapies impact on spermatogenesis in mice...

Marion Delessard...

Nature - Scientific Report

Product: Citrate Buffer

Chemotherapies are important for your future health, but they might harm your reproductive organs and glands that control fertility. Th...
Mesenchymal stem cell and ischemic environment...

N. Scott Litofsky and Andrew Clarkson...

Brain Science

Product: Galileo

Mesenchymal stem cell (MSCs) have great application prospects in the treatment of ischemic injury. However, their long-time cultivation before transplantat...

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