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Scientific Articles
Effects of the synthetic progestin levonorgestrel on some aspects of thyroid physiology in common ca...
Abstract The objective of the present study was to assess the effects of levonorgestrel (LNG), a synthetic progestin, on early […]...
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Anatomical basis of retrograde thoracic veins flow and its implications in complex thoracic wall rec...
Abstract Purpose: Internal thoracic veins are increasingly used as recipient’s vessels in chest wall reconstructive surgery due to their predictable [&he...
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Construction of transcriptome atlas of white yak hair follicle during anagen and catagen using singl...
Abstract Background: As the direct organ of villus, hair follicles have obvious seasonal cycles. The hair follicle cycle is orchestrated […]...
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Leptin resistance before and after obesity: evidence that tissue glucose uptake underlies adipocyte ...
Abstract Background: Leptin resistance occurs in obese patients, but its independent contribution to adiposity and the accompanying metabolic diseases, i.e...
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SCON—a Short Conditional intrON for conditional knockout with one-step zygote injection...
Abstract The generation of conditional alleles using CRISPR technology is still challenging. Here, we introduce a Short Conditional intrON (SCON, […...
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Evidence of lymphatics in the rat eye retina...
Abstract Background: The lymphatic structure of the eye is still under debate. It is mainly assumed that the retina is […]...
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Bhlhe40 function in activated B and TFH cells restrains the GC reaction and prevents lymphomagenesis...
Abstract The generation of high-affinity antibodies against pathogens and vaccines requires the germinal center (GC) reaction, which relies on a […]...
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Soft gallstone-crushing robots...
Abstract The current treatment for symptomatic gallstones is primarily surgical, where one of the most general surgeries, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, is ...
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Tissue-like cultured fish fillets through a synthetic food pipeline...
Abstract Tissue-like cultured meats of some livestock have successfully been established by different approaches. However, production of a structure simila...
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Phenotyping peanut cultivars with contrasting responses to pod rot pathogens...
Abstract In recent years, soil-borne diseases including pod rot have become increasingly rampant with climate change, causing serious yield and […]...
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